Rider University Assault Lawyer

Simple Assault & Aggravated Assault Charges in Lawrenceville New Jersey

There are many incidents of assault at Rider University every year. In many cases, the altercation is the result of a mutually agreed to fight but there certainly are many other scenarios that result in simple assault or aggravated assault at the institution. If you or your son/daughter was charged with a Rider University assault offense, a lawyer at The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall is ready to do what it takes to avoid a conviction. The attorneys at our firm have successfully defended many assault cases utilizing their 100 plus years in collective practice, including significant time serving as prosecutors. A Lawrence NJ Criminal Attorney will review the facts and circumstances of your case and, more importantly, plot a course that will allow you to escape a finding of guilt. Call our Lawrenceville Office at 609–683–8102 for a free consultation.

Simple Assault

Although simple assault is a disorderly persons offense, a misdemeanor, there are significant ramifications to this Rider University charge under N.J.S.A. 2C:12-1a. If you fail to defend the case and are convicted in Lawrence Municipal Court, you will have a criminal record that can impact your ability to secure employment, obtain a professional license or gain admission into a graduate program. You are also exposed to maximum penalties that include a $1,000 fine and up to 6 months in prison. These consequences can be avoided if you attorney is able to secure a conditional dismissal on your behalf.

Aggravated Assault

When a physical altercation at Rider University results in serious or significant bodily injury or involves a victim who is afforded enhanced protection under the law, a felony criminal offense arises under N.J.S.A. 2C:12-1b. The offense can result in a second degree crime, third degree crime or fourth degree crime depending on the underlying circumstances of the assault. Since all of these grades of offense involve an indictable crime, these types of cases may only dealt with at the Mercer County Superior Court. Second degree aggravated assault results in a potential fine of $150,000 and 5-10 years in prison. Third degree aggravated assault carries a fine of up to $15,000 and up to 5 years in prison. A fourth degree aggravated assault conviction triggers up to a $10,000 fine and 18 months in prison. The diversionary program that allows you to avoid prosecution for this offense at the Mercer County Superior Court is Pretrial Intervention.

Lawrenceville NJ Simple Assault Defense Attorneys

An assault offense can certainly compromise your future but the defense attorneys at The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall have the qualifications to insure that you do not end up with a record. Whether you were in a fight at a fraternity at Rider University or were involved in a physical altercation in another context, a lawyer on our staff has the skills to thoroughly and effectively defend you. To take advantage of a free consultation with an attorney who has the knowledge you are looking for, call 609–683–8102.

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  1. 1 Free Consultation - Available 24/7
  2. 2 Over 200 Years of Combined Experience
  3. 3 Former County & Municipal Prosecutors

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